2019.10.12(周六) 9:30 新加坡南洋理工大学Mao Kezhi副教授学术报告--Situation Awareness Based on Social Sensing


题目:Situation Awareness Based on Social Sensing

报告人:Dr. Mao KezhiAssociate Professor

单位: School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

时间:2019.10.12(周六) 930


邀请人/主持人:李新德 教授



AbstractSituation awareness (SA) is the perception of environmental elements and events, the comprehension of their meaning, and the projection of their future status. Conventional SA system is based on physical sensors. In this talk, a recently developed situation awareness system based on social sensing will be introduced. Causal relation extraction, which is one of the main components of the SA system, will then be elaborated. The causal relation extraction is based on a new framework of knowledge and data integration, implemented through knowledge and data driven convolutional neural networks (CNN). The knowledge-driven CNN ensures good generalization of the system, while the data-driven CNN ensure details of samples are taken care of. Experiment results will be presented to show the performance of the new framework.


报告人简介:Dr. Mao Kezhi obtained his PhD from University of Sheffield, UK, in 1998, and then joined School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, where he is now a tenured Associate Professor. Dr. Mao has over 20 years of research experience in artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, image processing, natural language processing, and information fusion. He has published over one hundred research papers in referred international journals and conferences. He has edited 3 books published by Springer.

Besides academic research, Dr. Mao is also active in development and consulting. He has successfully developed and delivered several intelligent systems and software tools to government agencies, hospitals and industries. He also advised a few organizations on AI techniques.

Dr. Mao Kezhi serves on Editorial Board of Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. He has served as Keynote Speaker/Programme Chair/Organizing Committee Member for multiple international conferences. In addition, he has served as a reviewer for multiple international journals.